So I'm at this coffee shop that I found on Yelp (imagine that). It's kind of awesome. The guys working here are older and were somewhat cantankerous when I was checking out. Turns out they're ol softies that love to sing. I'm absolutely loving it. Their voices are smooth, and the one is just plain soulful. There's about 6 people here, and they totally talked me into doing karaoke. Now I've done this twice in my life with my love miss Chelsee back in Michigan, although I'm not sure it counts because everyone in the bar, including ourselves, were pretty inebriated, and by inebriated I mean trashed. Tonight the only beverage I've had was a vanilla soy late (and well made might I add). My song of choice was When I was your man by Bruno Mars. Love that song. They tell me I did pretty well for a newb and that I should do it more. I have a hunch it might just be because I'm the "youngin" here and we all know how much the old folk enjoy having young whipper snappers (sp?) around ;)
So I'm looking at this blog and I seem to be posting few and far between. I'm realizing I never gave an update about my old job, which was technology sales. To give you some insight, companies like HP, IBM etc would hire the company I worked for to set sales appointments for them, and then they paid $800-$1000 for the appointment. Sounds good in theory. The reality was the company was poorly managed and I got the heck out of dodge. Fast forward a few months- I am now happily working at Yelp. World of loud music, life size gongs, sporadic catch phrase and more. I do love it there. It kind of reminds me of my job in CR for the fact I can work throughout my day on my own, and yet run around taking beaks as needed, with the understanding that the flexibility comes with a strong work performance.
I actually just called my mom a few days ago with a work update. Like any sales job, there is always a learning period for the first few months. I was calling to tell her I finally feel like I know what I was doing now. It's a great feeling to go into work feeling confident and like you're about to kick the world's a**. :D
This one's gonna be a shortie. Karaoke is closing up shop and it's time to head out. Night kids