Gah, I must get more regular with the blogging thing. How do people do it every couple of weeks? They must be getting paid ;)
So I thought I'd write about Denver and what it's been like so far. I've decided I quite like this city. The thing is I didn't actually choose it. As a recap, I moved here to get a women's business accelerator startup off the ground. The cofounders and friends of mine had decided Denver would be a great place to base the company so I hopped a moving truck and headed over. Would I have chosen Denver had I been given the choice? Mmm probably not. Had I thought I was done with snow after having lived in tropical and desert climates for almost 6 years after Michigan? Mmm yes I did. But the good news is, I actually love it!! Denver is the coolest place. Even though it is a decent sized city, it almost has a small town feel. The business networking here is dare I say, fun! People know each other and love to work together. It's quite enjoyable. This amazing environment has done wonders to foster our program as its going just swimmingly :)
So many people here are outdoorsy and it's so so enjoyable. Everyone wants to be outside whether that's skiing in the mountains, playing volleyball in Wash park, mountain biking, rock climbing, the other day I went to a Crawfish boil, good times, and the list goes on. I just love it. Get this- For Easter, (I'm a "Creaster = I try to go to church on Christmas and Easter even though most churches I find to be questionable) rather than going to your typical church and listening to crying babies, observing gossip and pretentious looks etc, we went to a magical place called Red Rocks. It's a natural amphitheater built into the red rock of the mountains. We were 8,000ish feet up and enjoyed a choir and Easter service as the sun rose. So so cool. While I wasn't very impressed with the preacher, overall it was an awesome experience. Did I mention I love being outdoors?
Red Rocks offers a slew of other fun activities to enjoy as well, from many concerts to the movie series that they project and everyone brings blankets and snacks <3 . Denver in general has a sweet music scene, as well as sports games. Even better, people always seem to get the hookup from their work so tickets are often discounted or free!
In other news, I'm going on a mini vacay to St Pete and Bonita Springs Florida in a couple days. I was always envious of those people who seemingly always had time off and funds to go visit friends around the US. Now I get to be one of them! Bahahaha. My Auntie Amy lives in Bonita Springs, and then two friends who I met in Costa Rica ended up in St Pete so it will be the most lovely visit. One thing I will say, while Denver's winters are relatively mild compared to Michigan/ the Midwest, I am most excited for some fun in the sun and ocean time :)
Oh let's end with talking about career things. I just want to put out there that when I first moved back to the US, I will fully admit I didn't quite know what to do with myself. Didn't know what I wanted to do, where my skill set lied, etc. And right now I just feel so peachy keen about where I've landed. I truly think it's just part of being in your 20s, which of course at the time, you don't realize. Now that I'm 28 (eek!) and nearing that 30 mark, life seems more stable and I like it. Good lord I sound old haha. So for those of you who are still in that stage, just know that things will quiet down and you will figure it out. Looking back I wish I had had someone to tell me that. Don't worry!! Just keep pushing yourself until you figure out something that makes you happy!!
Those are my words of wisdom. Also I have come to the conclusion that pesto and siracha taste good on everything.
<3 T
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